Friday, December 30, 2016

Hello!! The top pic shows all of the popsicle sticks I've saved for years and years. Maybe you call them Ice cream sticks? Haha, my family eats a lot of those treats!! The next pic shows my work space and the scroll saw that I use to cut the round ends from the sticks. Then I must sand the rough edges and then paint them. Then I must sand the paint off just a little so they look old and worn. The next picture shows the miter saw that my husband gave me for Christmas. It is very small - for cutting angles. The bottom picture shows the completed kitchen floor. I love it. I originally wanted a wood stained floor, but the sticks didn't look so great with stain on them. I think this painted floor is better. :)


  1. OMG on the Popsicle sticks! I thought you bought them! Wow Love the saw your hubby bought you! The floor looks awesome! You are doing such a great job! So very proud of you!

    1. Thank you! It makes me so happy that you visited!!

  2. Nifty use for those. I have a few. Hubby has some craft sticks he bought, mostly for stirring up watercolors and gouache.
