Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hmm, don't know why the first two pictures are sideways. Sorry about that! So...some of you know that I've been trying to crochet small clothing for my future dolls, but have been having some difficulty. These are the first two things that I've completed. A little dress and matching hat. The top picture, of course, is before any decoration. Sooooo difficult. I made a little coat, but it looks so bad that I don't want to share it with you. :(  I don't know if my future doll will be able to wear this dress as it doesn't open in the back. The pattern doesn't allow for an opening. I think it will look cute in her tiny closet though. :) Now I must get back to decorating my little house so that I will have more to show you. Thanks for visiting!! <3


  1. Aw, those look so cute. Maybe the dress can just slip on the doll...it will depend on what kind of doll you get and how stretchy the dress is. I've seen some neat clothes crocheted for Blythes and Pullips. Love them.

    1. Thank you. Yeah, don't think the dress is very stretchy. Read that mini Blythe doll clothes will fit 1/12 scale dolls. Will have to check that out on Etsy. Have seen so many adorable AND affordable Blythe and Pullip clothes on Etsy.

  2. You did such an amazing Job! I will have to try making those sometime.
