Monday, April 2, 2018

Hi, friends! Oops, sorry about the blurry pic at the top. I really wanted a dust ruffle, but didn't want to glue it on. I wanted one that I could remove, but you can see in the second pic that it wouldn't lie flat like it should. So I ended up glueing it on. Now I understand why people in tutorials glue their things to the beds! I bought this kitty flannel fabric from Walmart. Isn't is adorable? I bought little plastic pellets to use in the pillows to give them weight so they'd appear more realistic. I used a piece of aluminum foil between the layers of the flannel of the bed cover so that I could bend the edges down instead of glueing them. Guess I could have done that to the dust ruffle too. Haha, didn't think of it then. I'd seen the tip of using the foil in a tutorial. If I make another cover tho, I will use heavy duty foil to make it stay in the bent position a little better.  Hope you like it. More pics will be added in just a moment.


  1. Ur doll house is so cool!!!! Great job :D

    1. Oh, thank you so much!! I am so glad you enjoyed what you saw. And - thank you so much for visiting!!
