Friday, December 30, 2016

So, I chose purple for the door. I painted a piece of cardboard orange and put it where the door would be. I really wanted to love it, but it just didn't work. I am happy with the purple door. See the little doorknob? Cute, right? Also, I glued the bay window onto the house. Missed a step when I first did it and had to take it apart and redo it!! Yikes!!


  1. I think purple went well with the pink house, and I love the doorknob! So cute <3 I also hate it when I do something wrong and Need to redo it @_@ I think I would let it the way it was, afraid I would tear everything apart, hahaha!

    1. Oh, glad you like the purple door! Haha, I thought about not redoing my mistake, but it would have bothered me FOREVER!! :)

  2. It is so awesome! Your doing a great job!
