Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hi again!! My little purchased fireplace for the Living Room. Will paint it, but not sure about the color yet. In my little kitchen you can see the cabinets, refrigerator, table set, and little hutch from my friend Robin. She has given me permission to paint it, but haven't decided on a color yet. I will decide after I've painted the kitchen cabinets. All is very bland now, but hopefully will look better with rugs and curtains and pictures to make it all look more like a little home. :) Hope you're having a lovely day.

Hi, it's been a while since my last post. Sorry about that. I have finished the floors of the upstairs rooms and installed the little door to the room on the right. Waited a long time for that little door. :)
Have also installed windows on the upstairs. I have put on the attic floor, but not the roof. Will do that as I get the walls and ceiling painted for the attic. I have also put wood floors on the upstairs porch. Will do the porch railings after I've put on the roof. Hope you've enjoyed your visit!!