Saturday, August 11, 2018

Hello, friends. Today I post light switches that I made with clay. I was a little intimidated to work with clay, but it is very easy. Haha, so far anyway. I am still trying to make a ceiling light. I just haven't had the right idea yet. Thank you for visiting.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Hi, friends! Thank you for visiting again. The bottom picture is of my real phone in my real kitchen. My little house phone was made with clay and wire. It was my first attempt at using clay. I am so happy with the way it looks hanging on my little kitchen wall. Don't you just love it?? Also, the little paper towel holder was made with an ice cream stick and a toothpick and a small strip of paper towel from my real kitchen. I'm so happy that my little kitchen is almost complete. My next project is to make a light for the ceiling of the kitchen. Please come back to see me again. Thank you!!