Monday, November 5, 2018

Hi, friends. I hope you like Daisy's outfit. The flowered dress is from a skirt that my first born donated to my miniature hobby, and the blue "denim" look fabric is from an old nightgown.  I used a Barbie pattern and shrank the pattern on a printer, by 50%. The pink dress in the bottom picture was from the same pattern.
In the top picture, there's a belt with a buckle that I made from twisting jewelry wire into the shape that I needed. You can see in the bottom picture that I made a few attempts at shoes until I got the size about right. I sewed the clothes by hand, but the piping on the blue jacket is crochet thread that I glued on. I hope you like my little creations. Haha. When I got the doll I thought sure I'd make lots of clothes for her, but wow, it takes a long time. So now I think I might not make so many, hehe. Thank you for visiting. Big hugs.