Monday, November 5, 2018

Hi, friends. I hope you like Daisy's outfit. The flowered dress is from a skirt that my first born donated to my miniature hobby, and the blue "denim" look fabric is from an old nightgown.  I used a Barbie pattern and shrank the pattern on a printer, by 50%. The pink dress in the bottom picture was from the same pattern.
In the top picture, there's a belt with a buckle that I made from twisting jewelry wire into the shape that I needed. You can see in the bottom picture that I made a few attempts at shoes until I got the size about right. I sewed the clothes by hand, but the piping on the blue jacket is crochet thread that I glued on. I hope you like my little creations. Haha. When I got the doll I thought sure I'd make lots of clothes for her, but wow, it takes a long time. So now I think I might not make so many, hehe. Thank you for visiting. Big hugs.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Hi, again! I'd like to introduce the newest member of Sugarpie's house, her mom, Daisy, in honor of my own dear mom, Daisy. My mom went to be with our Lord in 2013, and I miss her very much.
My doll's clothes are old Barbie clothes. I altered the skirt to fit, but the top was from little Kelly and it fit well. I made the fuzzy slippers with help from a YouTube video. I will do my best to add to little Daisy's wardrobe, with the help of more videos, of course, hehe.
Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed what you saw.

Hi, friends! The top picture is my newest rug that I cross stitched for my kitchen. I so wanted to do fringe at the ends, but couldn't quite figure out how to do it with the weave of the cross stitch. The bottom pic is my new stair carpet. Cute, right? It's from a ribbon bolt. I was feeling so ambitious I thought I might even do railings for the stairs, but was afraid it might be too difficult to remove the carpet if I wanted to. So, little people will have to be cautious when going to the second floor, hehe. Hope you enjoyed your visit. Big hugs. Still trying to come up with lighting so they can stop stumbling about in the dark.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Oh my, 3 posts today. I have been working on my wee bathroom. The bottom picture shows my little window. I made a curtain rod and a curtain. Also, I need something to put towels on, so I painted an old tea cart. It was gold and a bit ugly. So I painted it black - leaving a bit of gold showing through, then put varnish on it to make it shine.
In the top picture, you see a little robe that I made yesterday. Isn't it adorable?? I just love it. Thank you for visiting.
Hi again!! This is a picture of my mom's family, in probably - 1954. They were simple country folk who lived simply and between two mountains. See the chicken? Also, most were bare footed. My mother is the tall girl in the back on the right (in pink). This was originally a black and white photo. I had it colorized and made into a poster. I framed it and hung it in my real house. This, of course, is a miniature version. I hope you like it.

Hi friends! I made little heat vents. Don't want my little people to be cold, LOL. I'm still trying to figure out how to make a light for the kitchen.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Hello, friends. Today I post light switches that I made with clay. I was a little intimidated to work with clay, but it is very easy. Haha, so far anyway. I am still trying to make a ceiling light. I just haven't had the right idea yet. Thank you for visiting.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Hi, friends! Thank you for visiting again. The bottom picture is of my real phone in my real kitchen. My little house phone was made with clay and wire. It was my first attempt at using clay. I am so happy with the way it looks hanging on my little kitchen wall. Don't you just love it?? Also, the little paper towel holder was made with an ice cream stick and a toothpick and a small strip of paper towel from my real kitchen. I'm so happy that my little kitchen is almost complete. My next project is to make a light for the ceiling of the kitchen. Please come back to see me again. Thank you!!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Hi friends! Oh my gosh, it's been way too long since my last post. I have been meaning to post, but time goes so quickly!! In the top pic is my little kitchen stool, made with dowels and fabric. The little kitchen garbage can is made with scraps of mat board and a piece of a grocery bag. The little flap actually moves. :D  I bought the little cabinet at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon and painted it to match my kitchen. I used scrap booking paper for the shelf liner. Do you like it? I am trying to make a telephone to hang on the wall, but am having difficulty. I hope to have it completed soon. Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoyed being here. Oh, the little food stuffs on the shelves were from my friend Robin.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Hi, friends! Thought I'd give you some pics of Sugarpie's room - mostly complete. I might add a small table so she can have tea parties with her dolls and bears. She finally has curtains on the windows and the room looks rather cozy, don't you think? I hope you all had a nice Easter and that your spring is glorious. Hugs. I loved the little bed trimmed in pink from my friend Robin - so much - that I painted the other furniture to match. More hugs!

Hi, friends. So this little dresser, desk (and chair) were all bought at Dollar Tree! Cute right? The drawers don't open, but that's ok with me! Hope you like them.

Hi, friends! Oops, sorry about the blurry pic at the top. I really wanted a dust ruffle, but didn't want to glue it on. I wanted one that I could remove, but you can see in the second pic that it wouldn't lie flat like it should. So I ended up glueing it on. Now I understand why people in tutorials glue their things to the beds! I bought this kitty flannel fabric from Walmart. Isn't is adorable? I bought little plastic pellets to use in the pillows to give them weight so they'd appear more realistic. I used a piece of aluminum foil between the layers of the flannel of the bed cover so that I could bend the edges down instead of glueing them. Guess I could have done that to the dust ruffle too. Haha, didn't think of it then. I'd seen the tip of using the foil in a tutorial. If I make another cover tho, I will use heavy duty foil to make it stay in the bent position a little better.  Hope you like it. More pics will be added in just a moment.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Hello friends! Wow, three posts in one day!! So, my friend Robin sent me a LOT of miniature things for my house. I will definitely have to build another house to be able to use most of what she has given. Lots of dolls, tables, chairs, beds, cabinets. Lots of miscellaneous items to make my little houses seem like homes. There is more furniture not pictured. Bedroom dressers, kitchen cabinets, etc. So nice of her to do this. Such a sweet friend. Thank you, Robin. I must get busy now, hehe. Thank you so much for visiting!
Hello again!! This is my little kitchen so far. Yesterday, I made the little valance for the window. I crocheted the rug during the winter. Watched quite a few tutorials until I figured it out. The wire rack, bread, tray, toaster, paper towels, plant, clock, kitchen towel and kitty are all from my friend Robin.  Thanks for visiting!!

Hello, dear friends! It has been way too long since my last post. So, these are my completed cabinets and the backsplash. These are the tiles that I used. I have shown you the template I made to attach the tiles to. It would have been too difficult to try to glue them to the wall individually. I so wanted a bright green backsplash, but couldn't find green tiles. I am very happy with the way it turned out tho. Very bright and cheerful, in my opinion. :D  I didn't use tile grout. I used Wood Filler instead. A very handy item, if you're building a little house. The tiles will never be wet, so buying expensive tile grout didn't make sense to me. Hope you like it. Thanks for visiting!!