Sunday, March 4, 2018

Hello friends! Wow, three posts in one day!! So, my friend Robin sent me a LOT of miniature things for my house. I will definitely have to build another house to be able to use most of what she has given. Lots of dolls, tables, chairs, beds, cabinets. Lots of miscellaneous items to make my little houses seem like homes. There is more furniture not pictured. Bedroom dressers, kitchen cabinets, etc. So nice of her to do this. Such a sweet friend. Thank you, Robin. I must get busy now, hehe. Thank you so much for visiting!
Hello again!! This is my little kitchen so far. Yesterday, I made the little valance for the window. I crocheted the rug during the winter. Watched quite a few tutorials until I figured it out. The wire rack, bread, tray, toaster, paper towels, plant, clock, kitchen towel and kitty are all from my friend Robin.  Thanks for visiting!!

Hello, dear friends! It has been way too long since my last post. So, these are my completed cabinets and the backsplash. These are the tiles that I used. I have shown you the template I made to attach the tiles to. It would have been too difficult to try to glue them to the wall individually. I so wanted a bright green backsplash, but couldn't find green tiles. I am very happy with the way it turned out tho. Very bright and cheerful, in my opinion. :D  I didn't use tile grout. I used Wood Filler instead. A very handy item, if you're building a little house. The tiles will never be wet, so buying expensive tile grout didn't make sense to me. Hope you like it. Thanks for visiting!!